Wow can you believe it is already 2023??? As always I have some really big goals and plans headed your way for 2023.. one of which is doing a little bit better with this blog. One of the major things that I have been updating is a more stream lined logo. I wanted something simplier. And for right now I think this is it.
Also do not forget to join my newsletter (up there in the top corner) so that you can stay up to date with everything happening and also get sneak peaks at new information.
Over on Facebook I have also been doing sneak peaks at new product launches with our new mini catalog. I am excited to share more of my creativity in 2023. Oh and one more thing.. I found a cool photo service that allows me to print 10 pictures each month. I have been wanting to scrapbook but it always feels like such a daunting task. So I figured with 10 pictures every month it would force me to look at each month and decide which pictures I want to take and print. I already printed the first round and I will share with you once I get them and the scrapbook pages that I create with them too. I do hope that they arrive soon.

Happy Creating,